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Wellness Coaching

Congratulations in taking such a giant step in working toward having a healthier life, and thank you for trusting me to guide you along this journey! 


After working in the medical field for 20 years, I am passionate and understand the importance of health and wellness. I am so excited that you are wanting to take this next step.


You know your body more than anyone else and I am looking forward to partnering with you so you are able to FLOURISH  and meet your wellness goals. 


Please follow the steps below prior to our initial appointment to maximize our time together.



Attached is an outline of what our sessions

on what to expect.


Client Intake

Fill this out before hand

so I can learn a little more about you before our first session.



Our lives are multidimensional and can affect our health and wellness. This assessment can provide awareness about some of the components that if addressed can help impact not only our quality of life but our wellness in a positive way


Renpho App

Please download this free app prior to our first meeting. This is where we will assess your weight, body fat percentage, and much more. It will neatly store this information so we will be able to look back to see how we are progressing and allow us to make the modifications that we need for the next 4 weeks.



You should receive a link by email or text to download this ap. By clicking on this link it will connect us so you will have access to your other assessments that we will be performing as well as a work out video library so you can have a visual on exercises prescribed and if you would like to experiment with other exercises.The fitness assessment associated with this app will provide a baseline of measurements that we will want to measure every 4 weeks to see if we need to make adjustments to our plan.  (If you don’t see an email with a link, let me know. If you download this just through the App Store it will not connect us which means we won’t be able to input and share information together.)




Below are some resources on different topics that help with the different components related to wellness. Please note that a lot of these resources are vegetarian or vegan based. Even if you continue to eat meat, there is a valuable message in at least reducing the amount of meat that you eat.

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